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1 dragonfire1981  Mon, Jul 18, 2011 2:38:40pm

Count me in as someone who likes DVDs. Streaming is nice but what if your internet goes out? Not to mention there are some movies that can only be found on physical media.

2 MichaelJ  Mon, Jul 18, 2011 3:06:48pm

re: #1 dragonfire1981

Completely agree. The current selection in the Netflix streaming Library is pretty poor. It is a nice addition to getting the DVD's, but it's extremely difficult to justify paying $8/month for this service. If their content improves by a similarly significant margin as the price increase, then it would be much easier both for them to explain it and for the consumers to understand it.

3 MichaelJ  Mon, Jul 18, 2011 3:08:45pm

Not to mention the fact that many of the streaming titles are SD-only. Many reasons to not like the increase.

4 Jaerik  Mon, Jul 18, 2011 5:16:09pm

Apply killed floppies only once CD's were commonplace and widely available. By that point, the floppy was essentially the backup device used to restore computers or get old software when the CD wasn't working. But by that time, there were essentially no pieces of software that were released only on floppy anymore.

Streaming is not widely available yet. An enormous chunk of the US population doesn't have broadband, and Netflix's streaming selection is jaw-droppingly bad. I'm (no exaggeration) approximately 0 for 30 on going to streaming and finding what I want. Instead, I have to decide I want to watch "something" on streaming and then browse the library to see if there's anything that piques my interest.

Until my chances of being able to stream something of interest are higher than my (so far) zero percent hit rate, killing the DVD is enormous premature.

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